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    City Hall, Belfast

Belfast’s biggest employers shape new ‘fairer city’ charter

March 2020 - South Side Advertiser

Major employers from across Belfast met recently to discuss the development of a new city charter which aims to create a stronger and fairer city for everyone.

The proposed new Inclusive Growth City Charter for Belfast will directly influence how employers use their employment, procurement and service delivery powers to support inclusive growth - economic growth that benefits all citizens and all communities.

At the event, hosted by Belfast City Council in partnership with Allstate NI, some of the city’s biggest employers heard from speakers from Bristol and Preston about the enormous benefits that their employers and citizens have experienced by creating a more inclusive city. Local delegates also discussed what commitments should be included in a Belfast charter, and how best to ensure that employers pledge their support. 

Alderman Brian Kingston, Chair of Belfast City Council’s Strategic Policy and Resources Committee said: “In 2017 community planning partners from a broad range of sectors agreed a shared vision for Belfast in 2035 in the Belfast Agenda. It included a collective commitment that no one will be left behind as the city progresses.

“Actions to ensure this commitment is met by Belfast City Council as a corporate body and civic leader were identified in the draft Inclusive Strategy for Belfast, published in November 2019. One of our key commitments within the strategy is to encourage other organisations to pledge their support to inclusive growth principles by signing up to a new Inclusive Growth Charter.

“This event is a significant milestone in this journey. We are acutely aware that we can only progress an inclusive growth agenda by working with employers across the city towards a common vision that ensures that no-one is left behind. I would therefore like to thank those who contributed today and encourage other employers to contact us and help create a truly inclusive city.”


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