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The Tonagh Community Garden of Reflection
January 2025 - The Lisburn Advertiser

Translink is delighted to have been able to support the Tonagh Neighbourhood Partnership in Lisburn in developing a community garden of reflection as part of plans to leave a lasting, positive legacy associated with Translink’s recently concluded major project, Lisburn Area Renewals (LAR).
Located close to the project works, the garden will provide an oasis of calm in a busy urban setting and will be of benefit to the whole community in the Tonagh area. The project has also benefitted from the co-operation and support of the Housing Executive.
Brendan Sloan, Translink Programme Manager, said: ‘‘We have been proud to support Tonagh Neighbourhood Partnership in the development of their community garden of reflection, and it has been great to see it completed and in use as a vital asset for the community.
‘‘Although it is now completed, the Lisburn Area Renewals project has been a major scheme to ensure that high safety standards and operational performance are maintained on our railway network. As part of the project, we have been proactively engaging with the wider community in Lisburn to explain the importance of these essential works and have very much welcomed support from local people, organisations, and representatives across the community.’’
Des Marley, the Housing Executive’s Area Manager for Lisburn and Castlereagh said: “Tonagh Neighbourhood Partnership have transformed this area into a beautiful space for the whole community to enjoy.
“We were happy to help facilitate this great project by allowing the use of Housing Executive land and by working closely with Translink to provide funding for the garden.
“We hope the garden will continue to grow and serve as a place for quiet reflection for residents for years to come.”
Translink is grateful to the community in Lisburn for their patience and support while this vital work to upgrade and enhance the railway has been undertaken.