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January 2016 - The Lisburn Advertiser

Pictured at the launch of the Council support for three local employment schemes are: (l-r) Shirelle McIvor, Enterprise NI; Anne Downs, GEMS; Alderman Allan Ewart, Chair of the Council's Development Committee; Tom Clarke, Stepping Stones Trainee and Paula Jennings, Stepping Stones Chief Officer.
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has agreed to allocate up to £205,700 in support of local enterprise projects and 147 new jobs and 10 new businesses over the next three years as part of a package of match funding supporting the European Social Fund part funded by the European Union.
The three local projects are being managed by Stepping Stones, Lisburn Enterprise Organisation and GEMS NI and will deliver bespoke programmes to meet local economic and social needs.
Alderman Allan Ewart, Chairman of the Council’s Development Committee, speaking about the Council support, said: “These identified projects being supported by the Council will target priority groups within our City, and help increase employment skills and the size of the future local workforce.”
Lisburn based Stepping Stones is a well-known organisation that is committed to improving the lives of young people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities within society. The Council is supporting its Training and Employment Service. This initiative provides valuable training opportunities, which will lead to employment and improved confidence for these local young people.
The Exploring Enterprise Programme (EEP) delivered in the Council area by Lisburn Enterprise Organisation and Inspire is aimed at helping those who are unemployed, budding entrepreneurs or those starting up their own business through providing practical advice and support.
GEMS NI delivers the Collaborative Mentoring Programme (CO-MENT), which provides an innovative package of elements designed to identify, access, engage and support young people between 16 and 24 years of age.
Through this Programme, the Council is providing support to help young vulnerable people who have experienced challenging situations in their lives.
Alderman Allan Ewart concluded: “This considerable financial package will help support groups across the City into employment and we are delighted to assist Stepping Stones, the Exploring Enterprise Programme and GEMS NI and look forward to working with them over the next three years.”