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August 2016 - The Lisburn Advertiser

Pictured with the recently published Baseline Report, which is available on the Council's website are: (l-r) Councillor Tim Mitchell, Chairman of the Council's Governance & Audit Committee; Dr Theresa Donaldson, Chief Executive and Alderman William Leathem, Chairman of the Strategic Community Planning Partnership.
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has recently published its Community Planning Baseline Report which contains key statistics about the area.
This report will assist the Strategic Community Planning Partnership in setting agreed goals and priorities and make decisions to increase the well-being of residents.
Alderman William Leathem, former Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee and Chairman of the Strategic Community Planning Partnership, said: “I am very pleased that the statistical information for the new council area has been collated and is available in an easy to understand format on the Council’s website. This process started during my tenure as Chairman and I look forward to seeing the next stage of community planning come to fruition.”
The Baseline Report provides information on population demographics, crime, social connectivity, health, benefits and social support, housing, education, economic, tourism, the environment and transport.
Councillor Tim Mitchell, Chairman of the Council’s Governance & Audit Committee added: “This report is very interesting and it has highlighted that within the Council area there are a number of positives that can be built upon. It will play a role addressing partnership working across the services of many agencies and organisations as part of the Community Plan for the area.
“In terms of age the population is living longer and educationally there is a high percentage leaving with 2 A Levels and 42% of the workforce has an NVQ Level 4 or above qualification. A significant proportion of our population is actively employed across a diverse range of sectors from retail to healthcare and manufacturing to construction. The Council area is ideal as it has a wide range of services within in it from 40 primary schools to three hospitals and its transport links with ports and airports are excellent. This report clarifies that the Council area has many advantages and positives; and that there is a strong baseline on which to build shared services across the Partnership agencies,” he concluded.
The Strategic Community Planning Partnership is made up of the Council, PSNI, NIFRS, the NI Housing Executive, Public Health Agency, Heath & Social Care Board, Health & Social Care Trust, Invest Northern Ireland, Tourism NI, Sport NI, Libraries NI, Education Authority NI, CCMS and the South Eastern Regional College.
Dr Theresa Donaldson, Chief Executive at the Council stated: “Our Baseline Report provides evidence that will be invaluable in providing and planning citizen-centred services. As a council we strive to deliver the highest quality cost effective services possible. Coupled with community planning, listening to and consulting with our residents and preparing an Area Development Plan, we will continue to position our boundary area to the best advantage.
“We will work with our partners to develop the area to ensure a high quality of life. Currently we provide great parks, good playgrounds, great events for families and sporting enthusiasts, retail choice and tourism while promoting the heritage of the area. This Council area offers city living with towns, village and countryside choice. Together we will develop a community plan, which will identify, at a high level what we need to do to improve the lives of our residents.”
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council will also work to influence education areas, health provision and infrastructure for its ratepayers through its Community Plan.
To view the Baseline Report log on to