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Council calls for grant applications from Rural Micro Businesses
July 2021 - The Lisburn Advertiser

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) is delighted to announce the Rural Business Development Grant Scheme will open on 1st July 2021 for applications from rural micro-businesses.
This grant scheme is part of the Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation (TRPSI) Programme funded by the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA). It will close at 12 noon on 30th July 2021 and offers capital grants of up to £4,999.
On this occasion LCCC will be also administering grant applications to the scheme from the rural areas of Belfast City Council in addition to its own. Those who have previously benefited from grant assistance under this scheme can therefore not apply.
Speaking about the upcoming programme, Alderman Amanda Grehan, Development Committee Chairperson said: “Given the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on our lives and the significant financial uncertainties within the economy, we are delighted to get another opportunity to offer this small capital grants scheme to local non-agricultural businesses within our council area and neighbouring Belfast area.
“The TRPSI programme is designed to support businesses to recover, sustain and grow. I would encourage all smaller rural businesses to consider this great opportunity to avail of financial assistance, especially if they have been impacted by the past year’s events.”
Eligible applications must be from existing micro-businesses with less than 10 full time employees. The total capital costs of the projects must be between £1,000 and £20,000. The capital grants are capped at £4,999 at a match-funding rate of 50% from DAERA and 50% from participating businesses. The minimum grant awarded will be £500.
Examples of eligible expenditure include:
New Capital Equipment/ Machinery
Computer equipment and software
E-Commerce websites
Previous rounds of TRPSI were very popular and well received. Lucy Wallace, proprietor of in klöver Limited, speaking about the programme said: “The programme is a great opportunity for rural businesses and support is provided throughout the application process. The financial support enabled us to purchase computer equipment which we then used to work on our website. We are now able to showcase the work of local artists and makers online and offer click & collect and delivery to customers across the UK and Ireland.”
For further advice regarding eligibility, an application pack or to register your interest to attend one of our upcoming funding workshops, please email Dawn Hynes at or phone 028 9244 7447.