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Crossgar winners of Travelwise NI Walk to School Competition
February 2015 - The East Down Advertiser
Pupils from St Joseph’s Primary School in Crossgar celebrate winning the Travelwise NI Walk to School competition. The school recently took part in an initiative headed by Transport Minister Danny Kennedy which called upon parents and teachers across Northern Ireland to encourage school children to walk or cycle to school to mark Walk to School Month 2014.
Minister Danny Kennedy said there was a need to continue to educate pupils, teachers and parents on the benefits of walking and how they can incorporate it into their daily routine. As part of Walk to School Month, Travelwise NI has issued electronic copies of posters and leaflets to all schools to enlist the help of parents in encouraging pupils to walk or cycle to school. Printed copies of this literature are available to all schools by contacting Travelwise NI on 028 9054 0096 or email to arrange delivery.
For further information on the benefits of walking and cycling visit