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August 2017 - The Ards Advertiser

“Unstoppable Ards CCÉ!”, the words from the official adjudicator when announcing the results of the final group competitions of the day at the County Down Fleadh in Warrenpoint.
For a SECOND year running all FOUR groups (Grupa Cheoil) from Ards CCÉ, a Bangor based traditional music organisation, qualified for the Ulster Fleadh, with ALL of them being awarded 1st place as COUNTY CHAMPIONS! This was once again a mind-boggling achievement by all the young musicians of the local branch and a fitting accolade to their dedicated group tutors, Bronagh McClean, Niall McClean and Colleen McCleery.
David Lennon (chairman of the branch) commented “A special mention has to go to Bronagh McClean, our brilliant musical director! This girl is truly gifted and her set music pieces are now legendary!” For the second year in a row Bronagh was also presented with the ‘Owen Kerr Perpetual Cup’ on behalf of the Over 18 group (Grupa Cheoil) for BEST OVERALL GROUP, a great ending to what was a triumphant day!"
These fantastic young musicians really have done themselves, their parents and the branch proud and as a result there will be another massive entry for Ards CCÉ at the Ulster Fleadh late July in Bangor. With up to a hundred representing their groups and Ceili bands alone, not to mention their record countless solos, duets and trios that also qualified, the Ards CCÉ contingent will be out in force!
The Ulster Fleadh, sponsored by Ards and North Down Borough Council, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Tayto and Smiley Monroe, will run from Sun 23rd – Sun 30th July inclusive in various venues in and around Bangor town centre. The event will once again incorporate a magnificent mix of competitions and cross-community/cultural events, showcasing the best of traditional music, song and dance from local Irish trad groups and artists. For complete up to date information on Ulster Fleadh 2017 please visit