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Join our oil savings club now!
October 2015 - The Ards Advertiser

Members of Millisle and District Community Oil Club saved 10%, over £17, on their first fill of 500 litres when they grouped their oil needs together.
They are calling for more households to ‘join their club!’ Over 16 households in Millisle have already joined the club which is funded by the Housing Executive and managed
by Bryson Energy. Membership is free and open to everyone living in Millisle! Jo Scott, Chair of Millisle and District Community Group, is delighted with how things
are working out for members. She commented: “It was great that members who ordered 500 litres of oil saved over £17 with their first fill. The oil club is a simple premise;
the more of us who buy oil together the more we reduce the cost – and we want more households to join.
“Even better households have the flexibility to buy as little as 200 litres of oil. When we put all of the orders together we can obtain a better price and the saving made is passed on equally to all!”
To join Millisle and District Oil Club contact them on Mobile: 079 7638 3693 / 074 7926 0364 or Email: Alternatively, call Bryson Energy on 0800 1422 867, text your details to 079 3984 3716 or E: oilclubs@brysonenergy. org.
The Housing Executive and Bryson Energy want to encourage more people to become members of oil clubs. To find out if there is one near you contact, Bryson Energy’s Oil Club team on freephone: 0800 1422 867, go to the Bryson Energy website www.brysonenergy. org or Facebook page
Celebrating the saving on oil are, (l-r) Jenna Coey (Bryson Energy), Robert Clements (Housing Executive), from Millisle Oil Club are Bill Megraw, Jo Scott (Chair), and Kaye Boyle, also Eoin McKinney (Housing Executive) and Tommy Beck (Oil Club member).