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Knockevin pupils get back to nature with help from Ulster Wildlife

August 2015 - The East Down Advertiser

Pupils from Knockevin Special School in Downpatrick are venturing into the great outdoors this summer, as part of a new outdoor learning programme developed in partnership with local nature conservation charity, Ulster Wildlife. 

Designed to reignite young people’s curiosity for the natural world, whilst promoting the health and well-being benefits the outdoors brings, the pupils are taking part in a range of fun and educational wildlife activities, all within their school grounds.
From making bird feeders and building homes for minibeasts, to planting wildflowers and learning more about wildlife on their doorstep, the activities are developed to best suit the pupils’ needs. The young people also have the opportunity to earn a Wildlife Watch Award for completing eight nature activities either in their school ground, their back garden or in their local green spaces. Certificates will be presented upon completion at the end of June to celebrate each pupil’s achievements.
Deirdre Pim, Teacher at Knockevin Special School said: “The young people are very excited to be taking part in this learning programme and exploring nature in their school grounds. We hope it will help improve their appreciation of the world around them, and its many inhabitants, whilst providing them with an opportunity to develop new skills and confidence, get active and have lots of fun in the process.”

Christine Chambers, Discovery and Learning Officer with Ulster Wildlife, said: “Helping children discover nature and make the most of the wildlife close to home is a big part of our work. We want as many children as possible to experience nature and the many benefits it brings to their lives, from health and wellbeing, to personal & social skills.
“We’re delighted to be helping Knockevin get more young people interested in nature and we hope that, for some, it could be the start of a lifelong interest.”
The initiative has been made been possible thanks to support from the AE Harvey Charitable Trust.
To find out more about Ulster Wildlife’s inspiring education programmes to help connect children with nature visit

Knockevin pupils are exploring nature in their school grounds this summer, building homes for minibeasts, making bird feeders and planting wildflowers, with help from local nature conservation charity, Ulster Wildlife. Included is Jenny Constable, Discovery & Learning Guide with Ulster Wildlife.


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